Thursday, October 25, 2007


Here is a photo of my newest horse, Aspen. She is 3/4 Percheron
and 1/4 Tobiano (a kind of Paint -- obvious). Unfortunately, I
have not had a chance to Photoshop myself out of the picture,
but at least it gives you some scale.

Aspen is only 2 (a baby for a horse) and we assume from esoteric
horsey "rules of thumb" that she will probably grow another 4
inches. Hope she comes equipped with stairs :-)

KennyG, aka the Dogfather, is teasing me about being called
The Horse Father or The Pony Papa. I don't own ponies, but
it *is* alliterative :-) The other name evokes a certain scene
from the movie the Godfather. Yikes! I'll stick with riding them,

Friday, October 19, 2007

Been Awhile :-)

Since me last, I bought, detoxed and sold an off the track thoroughbred horse named Zamaroo. When I got him, he was still on on steroids, knowing nada but running (very fast). He left sweet, trained and happy. He was sold him to a 12-year old girl who will pamper and love him. I will miss Zami, he taught me a lot. He particularly like me trimming his feets.

Ok, ok, Mr. Dogfather, the great KennyG of urban legend, has requested a baby picture of Malley, the baby pirate horse. Here she is at 1 year old:

I also have a new horse, a 3/4 Percheron, 1/4 Tobiano named Aspen. She is HYOOGE, mostly black with a couple of small white patches, white feet and tail and blue eyes. She is also a baby at 2 1/2 years old. She has some learning todo, but is a nice ride. I will try to get some pictures soon (I know, what are the chances - hahaha ).