Thursday, October 25, 2007


Here is a photo of my newest horse, Aspen. She is 3/4 Percheron
and 1/4 Tobiano (a kind of Paint -- obvious). Unfortunately, I
have not had a chance to Photoshop myself out of the picture,
but at least it gives you some scale.

Aspen is only 2 (a baby for a horse) and we assume from esoteric
horsey "rules of thumb" that she will probably grow another 4
inches. Hope she comes equipped with stairs :-)

KennyG, aka the Dogfather, is teasing me about being called
The Horse Father or The Pony Papa. I don't own ponies, but
it *is* alliterative :-) The other name evokes a certain scene
from the movie the Godfather. Yikes! I'll stick with riding them,

1 comment:

The Dogfather said...

Ooh yeah... I guess the Godfather isn't a good reference to horses... well not when you want them to keep their heads about them. And since they aren't ponies per se, I'll have to come up with another alliterative moniker. But she's a beauty.