Sunday, November 19, 2006

WTF? (wonderful timing folks)

So, to upgrade blogger I must have a Google account? When did that start?? I refuse.
Google is becoming as ubiquitous and annoying as Microsoft and they can both just
bite me. I started using Google in Nov 1998, just about 2 months after they started
and now this. Well, enough o' that; time for a nonsequitur.

Work, the festival of pain that I share with Dogfather, continues to be strange. I will let
him post an eloquent rant, probably on his forthcoming blog o' scorn. Perhaps he will
mention me as Poison Pen Ken -- my new nickname. Apparently, my emails have
quite a following although I have not written one lately (mainly because people stopped
harassing me). I think of these email gems as "satire" the way the old Celtic bards used it,
which is to get rid of irritating presences over whom you have no real power. They are nearly always of the 2 meanings sort, where you must read between the lines. Most of the time, my
unarmed opponents do not get the double meaning and stay confused, but my wonderfully intelligent friends do ;-) It's fun and I don't do it that often - a dangerous game.

Well, my blog has never been what you call popular anyway, so no loss, but I may lose that capacity to comment on my friends blogs - which was the sole reason I started this queep anyway. For that, oh Google juggernaut, I say FO.


The Dogfather said...

Well written PPK (poison pen Ken). As for the Blog o'scorn... I haven't received anyone really saying they would post to it (unless you are volunteering?) but I haven't given up yet.

As for requiring an account... I can certainly petition those blogs you'd like to post on to allow A nun, A mouse comments. Would that alleviate the problem?


bahnsidthe said...

Of course I knew I had the option, I guess I'm just irritated (surprise face). I used to have a Google toolbar etc, but found out they were tracking. I could get used to it, but I hate it. I may sign up for an anonymizer....

Obviously, I support blog o' scorn, especially if we get cell phone pix and possibly have a jerque du jour photo or somesuch. I look forward to posting on it.