Friday, November 03, 2006

Horsey update

Looks like the mare is stuck in brood mare mode fo evah. *sigh* The gelding is all better and baby is just cute as can be.

New cafe opened today at work. Food is, so far, tasty. Dogfather's blog says it all. I also witnessed said philistines...sheesh. Ass-burgers; gloom clouds and everything. I kinda feel sorry for them, but will keep my distance.

We had Security Awareness Week this week, which meant lots of briefings and little work :-D
We saw the DICE Man's briefing - it was pretty good. I think dogfather continues to observe and make notes for his inevitable stand up routine... I particularly like his "Antonio GPS voice" -- ask him for a demo :-)

Well, tonight is "view the comet in the constellation Hercules" night for the wee lad's homework. Normally, the public school horning in on my home time really torques my nuts, but this may be fairly cool to see. We're off to the observatory. Latah.

1 comment:

The Dogfather said...

I don't know that stand-up is "inevitable", but it certainly holds a certain amount of appeal. ;-)

Nothing has ever been remotely as rewarding to me as a room full of laughter at my antics.
